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Zein has always been fascinated with the world of music ever since she was a little girl. She grew up in a family that highly appreciated music. It did not take long for her family to discover Zein’s passion for music, and it became apparent that Zein had a great talent that was displayed in playing the organ and that she had a beautiful voice. She had a special presence and what seems as keen ambition for pursuing a career as a professional Singer from the early beginning. At school, she gradually became a key singer, gladly participating in all school events.
Zein was born to a Jordanian Family in 1978. She completed her BA degree in Music majoring in (Piano and Voice) from the ‘Jordan Music Academy’. In addition to that, Zein managed to obtain a BA degree in (Physical Education) from the ‘University of Jordan’ between the years (1996 -2003).
Ever since high school years, Zein has made many appearances and participated in concerts and musical events, namely:
Zein participated in the ‘Peace Child (1992)’ concert, organised under the Patronage of HRH Prince Hassan. She sang in the Choir alongside students from different schools.
Zein opted to donate her voice, when she got the opportunity to sing the Arabic version of the song ‘The Family’ as her contribution to the ‘Family Year’, organized by the UN (1994).The Family Song was distributed to all Arab speaking countries as it was the only version sung by a proud Jordanian Singer.
Zein performed the lead singing role in ‘Mayes Al Reem’ play, impersonating the Legendary Lebanese singer ‘Fairooz’ at the (Frere De la Sale) School in Amman. Zein has had the opportunity to demonstrate her vocal abilities in this particular event, singing most of ‘Fairooz’s challenging, yet beautiful songs.
Zein represented Jordan in a lead singing role at ‘The Cultural Exchange Festival’ in Germany (2003), an event organized in collaboration with The National Music Conservatory
Zein participated in a concert celebrating ‘Fairooz’ the legend with the participation of writer and composer ‘Henry Zugheib,’an event organized in collaboration with The National Music Conservatory (2005).
Zein attempted to sing in a Jazz style, converting a number of her own songs to Jazz in a team effort with ‘Omar Al Faqeer’s Band’. She performed this relatively new style of singing at a number of concerts, one being the “International Music Day”. It was a huge success.
Zein performed at two concerts in England. The first concert was on the occasion of “International Women’s Day” (2005).The second concert was under the patronage of HRHP Al -Hassan and HRHP Badeeaa Bint Al-Hassan celebrated by the "Anglo Jordanian Society".
Zein sang ‘Iradatuna’, a song aimed at highlighting and supporting People with Special Needs and their astounding efforts. Written by Wael Al- Sharqawi and famous composer and singer Khaled Al- Sheikh, the song was produced in cooperation of the BAhrain Ministry of Social Welfare and was a great success in (2007)
Zein has participated in the making of a Children's musical " Hammoudeh's Sea Voyage" that was produced by Al- Aman Centre for children with Special Needs.
Zein was chosen to sing " Al Bir Wal Ihsan" (2009).The song was composed and produced as part of HRH princess Basma Bint Talal's yearly "Bir Wal Ihsan Champagne", to emphasize and support this great initiative that aims at alleviating the hard conditions of needy and the poor providing them with of financial support and otherwise. The song was written and composed by Musician and composer Wael Al-Sharqawi.
Zein was chosen to sing " Bei'tak Ihmeeha" (2009). The was composed and produced as part of of HRH princess Basma Bint Talal's initiative that aims at raising awareness regarding the Environment. The song was written by Dr. Diana Al Nimri and produced by Musician and composer Wael Al-Sharqawi.
In addition to the above -Zein has performed at many occasions at different venues for different charities: SOS Women's Mabarrat Um Al Hussein


E-mail: info@zainawad.com